Updating webinar for therapists in audio-psycho-phonology - Tomatis Method

Verona (I), 3rd - 4th – 5th December 2021

The seminar will be held online with times to be agreed with students


Thus wrote Alfred Tomatis in 1977, in the first edition of his autobiography "L'oreille et la vie", on page 284:

"My work has been much plagiarized, much plundered, but I harbor no bitterness for it. I would even say that if the counterfeit of the devices I developed could be used to cure more patients, I will applaud the first. What annoys me, what pains me, is that most of the forgers do not just use the ideas of others; they still want to testify to the face of the world of their own genius - like a painter who, wishing to plagiarize the Mona Lisa, would add a big hat and umbrella to it because in his opinion "that's good". As a rule, these scroundrels worked in vain: recording very few therapeutic successes, they did not make a fortune as they hoped. This manifestation of a kind of immanent justice can be explained, once more, by the lack of modesty of the plagiarists, who could not simply reproduce the model purely and simply. Assured to be much smarter than the inventor himself, they wanted to beat him on his own ground. Each time, it is this concern of "improvement", based on a lack of knowledge of the psychophysiological realities, which caused their defeat" 


Seven main topics

Interpretation of the listening test from the following point of view: linguistic, psychological, musical and psychomotor

How to program a cycle of sessions with Electronic Ear according to the needs of the client and his listening test

Working with school problems

Electronic Ear and foreign languages. How to use it

The Tomatis method for singers, musicians and speakers

Programs and devices to help motricity problems and psychomotor disorders

The Tomatis method after Alfred Tomatis and state of the art 2021


Also, different acoustic parameters on the Electronic Ear are useful to help acoustic and motoric aspect of speaking, singing and instrument playing.

We can use Italian, German, Russian, Hebrew, French and other languages’ parameters to help: musicality, singing and playing in tune, arm weight and pressure in playing string instruments, increased speed in violin fingering and more...  


The seminar is open to all audio-psycho-phonology therapists.

It is also open to musicians or therapists interested to know how Tomatis method works.

The seminar will be held online in English by Concetto Campo, pupil of Alfred Tomatis, 

Friday 3rd – Saturday 4th – Sunday 5th December 2021


From 4,30 pm to 7,30 pm on Friday, from 9 am to 1 pm and from 2,30 pm to 6 pm on Saturday and from 9 am to 1 pm on Sunday 


The cost of the course is:

€ 170,00 if you pay by 22nd of November 2021

€ 180,00 if you pay after 22nd of November 2021


Enrolment closes on 30th of November 2021

Click here to book

Click here to get the application form


For information on how to book the seminar, please write an e-mail to:

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